Do You Pay VAT On Solar Panels? – Everything You Need To know

Installing solar panels isn’t necessarily cheap but with grants available, and now 0% VAT payable on professional installations, solar becomes a much more affordable option. When you add in the savings that you can make on energy bills over the lengthy lifetime of solar panels, going solar becomes a very real option for many people […]
How Are Solar Panels Installed?

Solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular way to generate electricity in the UK. They are a renewable source of energy that can help you save money on your electric bill. With average household energy bills capped at £2,500 a year only until March 2023, and expected to increase further after this, household budget are […]
How Long do Solar Panels Last?

How long do solar panels last? This is a question many people ask before making the decision to buy solar panels for their homes. In the UK, the average lifespan of a solar panel is around 25-30 years and during that time, not only will they help reduce your carbon footprint, but you could also […]
Everything You Need to Know About the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

What is the Smart Export Guarantee? The Smart Export Guarantee is designed to make payments to customers for any renewable energy they have produced from their homes that they are not using themselves and is put back into the national grid. It was introduced to replace the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme, which pays a large […]
How Much will my Electricity Bill be with Solar Panels in 2023?

How much will my electricity bill be with solar panels? That is a question a lot of people ask when deciding whether to make the switch to renewable energy. The answer is a little complicated because it depends on a few factors, such as the size of your solar panel system and the amount of […]
How Many Solar Panels Do I Need UK?

If you’re looking to harvest solar power to save on energy costs, then you may be wondering how many solar panels do I need to provide the power needed to heat and run your home. The number of solar panels that you need in the UK will depend on the location of your home and […]
What are the Pros and Cons of Solar Panels?

The world is changing. Climate change is a reality, and the time has come for us to shift our focus toward renewable energy sources. One of the most popular choices when it comes to renewables is solar panels because they can be set up on the roof of your home and provide all the energy […]
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost & Are They Worth It UK 2023?

Solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular way to produce energy in the UK. They offer a number of benefits, such as lower energy bills, government incentives, and the ability to sell excess energy back to the grid. While these benefits have long been established, many people have been reluctant to make the transition to […]